One other thing. This old map for my board game has been sitting around for over a year. I have been fiddling with the cards, the rules, the playing pieces, and the dice and I had sort of forgotten about it. I cleaned up the edges and added a few details and have posted it for your enjoyment. This summer, when my master's work is done, I will be posting the finished, colored, version of this playing board. Eventually I will show off the completed game...probably by Christmas. Probably.
I know you can do it. I've seen you working on this for so long, it's basically got a part of your soul attached. Finish the thing and be happy!
Yes, finish the thing, and then we will play it. I volunteer as a play tester, no matter how many hours the game is.
Kuyler, this is great! May I blogroll you?
Yay! Cerise, you have full permission to blogroll me. I would like to do the same.
Cool! You're on my list, and you're welcome to add me if you feel like it. (I'm not a full red... but I do have The Streak!)
By the way, this guy's blog reminded me a bit of your sketch journal; you might like to check it out, if you haven't already.
Dude. If part of your soul is attached to that're, like, immortal. But don't let anyone destroy your game-horcrux....
I am forever curious what sort of rules a board such as this may be governed by…
autumn sunshine, I wish I knew. It probably would have been worthwhile knowing how the game would work before I made the elaborate map.
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